Table of Contents

As an Interviewer

As an interviewer, thank you for supporting us with a paid subscription. Remember, you only pay for the duration of the interview and feel free to cancel at anytime.

Pre-Interview Steps

  1. Sign up for a Talk Story account.
  2. *If you don't have a Dropbox account, this will be a good time to follow Install Dropbox on your mobile device and Create a Dropbox account.
  3. Connect a Dropbox account with Talk Story by going to your profile page and selecting "Connect Dropbox". Once your Dropbox account is connected, you'll be able to host a Talk Story interview.
  4. Create a Talk Story interview based on Talk Story's set of ~300 questions. Feel free to Add custom questions to your Talk Story interview.
  5. Once the interview has been created, Invite a loved one to your Talk Story interview via their email address. The interviewee will be sent an invitation via email and while they won't need an account on our system, they will need to accept the invitation.

Interview Steps

  1. Once the invitation has been accepted, our automated system will help the Interview process along by sending your curated questions until all questions have been exhausted.
  2. After your Interviewee has Share a Talk Story video with your interviewer, our automated system will process the video and alert you when it's completed.
  3. Once all questions have been asked, you'll be asked to Finish your Talk Story interview.
